Folding Book

Project 1

I created a folding book that reflect my classmates life. Through meaningful discussion, I made an unexpected connection with my classmate. After analyzing interview responses, I translated them into creative, thought-provoking booklet, using creativity and analytical skills.

Defining Questions

1. Given the choice of anyone worldwide, whom would you want as a dinner guest? 


4. What would constitute a “perfect” day for you? 

 Feeling fulfilled, doing creative work, having a good time with friends and family, and a thrilling adventure  

7. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die? 

That I dont want to talk about, I feel like thats out of my control, life is a gift, and even when it doesn’t make sense,  we should trust God and fullfill your life when its here, and then you can be with him.

9. For what in your life do you feel most grateful? 

 I am very grateful for love from family and friends, love from self, love from God, even hard things happen, I feel that good things are from someone love.

Design Process

Rough Sketches

Rough Draft

Final Deliverable


I thought that this was a really fun project, and it was really interesting to try and translate someone else story into a design. I had struggled in the beginning because I was trying to create something with a grunge but functional aesthetic. The bigger typography used in the final project was made with cut out letter forms of Helvetica. I layered bible verses and brush strokes to create the background effect, with the cross as the main focal point.

Designed by Justin Catalano


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