Justin Catalano


I am a design student with a strong focus on user experience and user interaction. I have always noticed the emotions that different experiences bring in my life and I've also seen the unique experiences that technology offers.

My goal is to serve as a bridge between cutting-edge technology and the fundamental needs of humanity. I am a firm believer in the principles of user-centered design and incorporate them into my work. With a genuine passion for visual design, I use my enthusiasm and precision to elevate human-computer interactions.

Currently, I study at San Jose State University, majoring in Design Studies with a specialization in Graphic Design. Additionally, I've chosen to pursue minors in Interaction Design and Human Systems Integration. This path has equipped me with the skills to excel as a visual designer, a comprehensive grasp on the essentials and applications of user experience and interaction, and insights into the psychology of human factors.

Connect with me on linkedin! https://www.linkedin.com/in/catalan0/


Research Assistant @ Vision Lab, San Jose State University

Researching areas in Human Factors - visual search

Conducting experimental user research in a lab setting

Collaborating on a cross discipline team

Marketing Admin, Spartan Eats

Lead 3 website design projects for 3 different universities

Designed various collateral used across different marketing campaigns on 4+ campuses

Analyzing and conduct consumer research, developing new strategies based on responses

Analyzing qualitative and quantitative data related to marketing campaigns


San Jose State University, 2026

MS Human Factors, UX Concentration

San Jose State University, 2024

BA Design Studies: Graphic Design

Minor in Interaction Design

Minor in Human Systems Integration



Designed by Justin Catalano


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