Mocktalk Dashboard

A new friend.

What is Mocktalk?

This the design process behind Mocktalk’s Dashboard. Mocktalk is mock interview experience powered by generative AI. I acted as the sole product designer, working with the CEO and CTO to define user, product, and technical needs. We did 3 week long sprints of experience and visual design in a waterfall process.

*Confidential information has been left out.


Justin Catalano

Ryan Duong, CEO

Nick Stoneking, CTO

My role

Product Designer


I was approached

Ryan knew that he had found an interesting problem that could be solved with generative A.I. They had made a demo product, and got great feedback. They wanted to grow the product, and wanted my help to create a scaleable product.

So I said,

Of course! What are the business needs and what do users want to see?


Users needs

It was great that the demo went well, but what else do people need
I spearheaded Mocktalk's user research, and with my peers we interviewed 10 college students preparing for interviews. We found the most common pain points in:

Challenges in preparing for interviews due to a lack of practical and convenient resources.

Identifying areas for improvement or measure their progress effectively.

Feeling left behind and alone when preparing for interviews

Mocktalks goals.

Influenced by our users, it was time to take the business steps
I met with the Ryan (CEO) and Nick (CTO) to discuss what are the KPI's are for there next demo product. Working together, we came up with 3 things that this dashboard has to do.

They should have easy access to the interview feature, so how fast can they get there?

We have should be showing interviewees their progress within our system

Let's build a community of dedicated people to show and share their interviews


*User personas, journey maps, information architecture, and experience flows are left out.

Design goals.

How might we design a place where users can interview, view their progress, and feel apart of something bigger?

How might we make experience feel fluid and easy to access?

How might we create user retention through providing useful experiences?

Design Process

Design Sprint 1

Following a waterfall development methodology

The sprints were heavily influenced by our initial user research and usability heuristics.

Design Sprint 2

This sprint was our focused on the mid-fedeltity mockups the development team. Most of the iterations were done during this sprint so that later sprints could be used for finalizing.

Interview Section

Analytic Section

Community Section

Put it together

Design Sprint 3

Scalability was a huge part of the mission, so I decided that we should make a design system for future development.

Our Final Solution

Applying the design system to the mid-fedeltity mockup, the final design was created, Below is a prototype of how the dashboard would work.


Our next steps would be

Test this dashboard with user to see if main functionality is understood.

Listen to user needs and concerns about dashboard interaction.

Find issues in the design system that can be worked on.

Final thoughts

In order to reach schedule goals, we made the decision to move forward with just the interview portion for MVP 2 as that was the main feature of this product, which you can view here. Overall this project taught me a lot about how to work in a startup environment.

Designed by Justin Catalano


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